Dan Jones, Director

Our firm is led by Dan Jones, an experienced employment law expert, with a very successful track record. So the first thing to be satisfied with is that you will be in safe hands.

Dan has worked at one of the largest global law firms and ‘in-house’ as head of employment law at a former FTSE100 company. However, what is more relevant to his clients is that he has worked ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with business managers and HR professionals within a heavily unionised manufacturing environment. It is experience that most of our competitors do not have and places us in a better position to provide you with realistic and pragmatic advice. Dan will never isolate the law from the business objective.

Having worked ‘in house’ Dan has the experience of being a client. He knows what good and bad legal advice looks like. He has developed the way he provides his advice on the advice he would like to receive.

Dan knows how to manage industrial disputes, trade union interim relief cases and requests for trade union recognition and he understands the high pressure that can be felt. Most employment lawyers will not have this experience, and fewer still will have advised on disputes and cases of this type from within a business.

As well as contentious trade union issues Dan has experience of:

  • drafting works council, European works council and collective agreements.
  • the common issues that arise when operating shift patterns and annualised hours systems of work.
  • How health and safety influences decision making in a manufacturing or engineering environment.

Dan has, perhaps unfortunately, had more experience than most of advising and assisting in the management of large-scale redundancy exercises.

If your company ever has to defend tribunal proceedings then Dan has a significant amount of advocacy experience and has represented clients in all four nations of the UK and also in the Employment Appeal Tribunal.